May 05, 2230 hrs

Who are you?
The one who hurts?
Or the one who really cares?
The one who shares my agonies?
Or the cause of them?

The Experience of my life
Made me realize,
How alone a person is,
When he comes on earth?


Struggles to make friends,
Struggles to find the one,
Who reaaly could take care of him,
Who finds him always right,
With whom he can have a cute fight.
Who can be the mother when he needs care,
And the father when he needs tickets fare.

He is searching what?
Actually he is searching himself in others.
But never peers inside his own secluded heart,
Who always screams,
"Hey man there is no one to care for you"
No one who really smiles when you laugh,
No one who cry for your tears,
No one who laugh for your cheers.

You are born alone,
You will die alone.
You have to fall alone,
You have yo fly alone.

Its his own heart who glitters for his joy,
Who screams for his pain,
Who crys when he is in vain.

Value yourself! 
You are yourself efficient to cross the barriers of life.
If not, make yourself efficient. 
No one  but you can understand yourself better.


  1. i think this poem has a real meaning that should be followed by everyone this poem says not only about how u know urself but it is also about how u want to be known by others so jus be ur best buddy...gud poem


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